No One Told Me
No one told me
Last weekend, I got to spend some quality one-one-one time with just my boys. I am afforded this luxury twice a year when my daughter and husband go camping.
No one told me how much I would look forward to these weekends.
No one told me how much fun boys are.
We went to games, we went to the movies, we ate, we went to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
No one told me how much time I’d spend in sporting goods stores.
No one told me how much they can eat.
No one told me how funny and quick witted they are. Or that I would love action and superhero movies as much as I do.
No one told me how awkward it would be when high school girls say hello right in front of you, while you’re looking on like “ooooo, who’s that??”
No one told me how much gas they have.
No one told me that they show they love each other by insulting each other.
No one told me I’d learn to tune out fart noises.
No one told me about all the potty humor. Seriously, so much bathroom talk.
No one told me how messy and stinky and gross they can be.
No one told me how physical they are. So many trips to the orthopedist. No one told me we would single-handedly pay off a doctor's medical school bills.
No one told me I’d love hanging out with them so much.
No one told me I’d be dancing to rap music in my living room while they laugh at me.
No one told me I’d learn so many things from them.
No one told me they’d be the ones to show me how to live my best life. How to live fully without fear. How to laugh, and chill, and embrace adventure.
No one told me about that mother/son bond. OK, people told me but no one really TOLD me.
They are chaos. They are madness. They are crazy and sweet and fast and irreverent and ridiculous and frustrating and cool and they are my everything.
And no one told me.